We are pleased to offer curbside drop-off and pick-up during the times below so you don’t have to leave your car:
All children should be dropped off and picked up in the flagstone area in front of Trinity Church. This area can be accessed from the Church’s Mercer Street driveway, located just past the circular entrance.
Teachers will get your child directly from your car. Please do not give your child to anyone other than a NNS teacher. Also, please stay in your car and refrain from using your cell phone.
All drivers must observe the RIGHT TURN ONLY rule during drop-off and pick up. To enter the driveway, make a right turn only from Mercer Street. Upon exiting the driveway, make another right turn onto Stockton Street (Route 206.) Left turns, upon entry or exit, interfere with the flow of traffic, jeapordize our permit to operate, and increase the risk of accidents. Please inform anyone picking up your child about this policy.